

Wall installation
11 laser cut acrylic pieces of different measures and thickness (5 and 20 mm)
Variable sizes
Cabeza de Ratón Exhibition, V Concurso de Arte Joven Mavi-Bicentenario
Museum of Visual Arts MAVI, Santiago, Chile

The work Persecución (Chase) is a mural installation comprised of one large and ten accompanying pieces of black and white acrylic of varied length and thickness. As in previous works, I make use of imagery and narratives from the Disney universe to explore its historical and graphical origins.

The characters used for this mural were extracted from the print edition of the story Three Little Pigs, an animated short movie from the 1930s Disney series Silly Symphonies. In this work I have fused the wolf and one of the piglets, blurring the lines that separate them and rearticulating the original narration, allowing for new and different interpretations. In addition, I have left the characters incomplete, not properly or fully drawn, thus mixing the predefined roles of victim and victimizer / chaser and chasee.

The central figure of this installation is, henceforth, a hybrid creature in the midst of and a double action: blowing and fleeing. The neighboring figures are fragments of the same characters: hands, fists, legs, and hoofs in negative.

By altering a well-known story, extracting the cartoon from its narrative lines and displacing the domestic format of the storybook by enlarging the figures to full scale, I am seeking to build the space for a new and different fiction.


© 2025 Catalina Schliebener